Art Holiday in Penzance & Newlyn Art School

Recently I had a much need holiday in Penzance and attended the Newlyn Art School and the Coast course run by Imogen Bone.
Looking back, I enjoyed my time there; Cornwall is the best for an art escape, with its more rugged scenery. The group spent all four days outside sketching, although it had to be a half day on Friday due to bad weather.

I produced a lot of work as I work quickly, but I see that is an issue. I paint a little too fast, and my work has this frenetic activity; some feedback is to slow down and have some calmer passages in the sketches and paintings.

I’ve been drawing the figure for the past few months, so it was nice to get some paint and loosen up with the marks. Places we visited included Cape Cornwall, Perranuthnoe, Marazion, Lands and Sennen Cove.

Lots of experiments with different colour boards to give unusual colour combinations; I also liked the unusual colours we used, the paints and the Caran D’ache crayons. Payne’s grey, Beige Gold (the green colour one), Mauve or periwinkle blue, Turquoise green, and the premixed paints all muted colours in blue, orange, and green. Not, a palette I’m used to. I learned to like many of the colours and appreciate a more muted pallets, typical of Imogen.

Map Data from OpenStreeMap. Data is available under the Open Database License.

I also took lots of photos as I found many good compositions.

Holidays like this remind me I need to go on holiday more; I don’t get outdoors enough. It’s a source of inspiration and relaxation, at least when I’m done travelling there and back. I love the outdoors, and these courses rekindle a desire to paint. I draw enough because practising that skill is essential, but I prefer painting more.

2 thoughts on “Art Holiday in Penzance & Newlyn Art School”

  1. Hi Richard, I like those colours you used, the blues and greens, also the beige gold reminds me of the gold in a Gustav Klimt picture. They have a nice feel to them.


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